Jeong Heewoo
South Korea
Visual Art, rubbing, painting, installation
Residency February 2019
チョン ヒーウ

I document cities.
I am living in Seoul, rapidly changing city. Seoul was severely destroyed through the Korean War in 1950s. Ever since then, a lot of construction has happened in Seoul. In early times, they built buildings to live in. Nowadays they deconstruct those buildings and construct the larger buildings. For the result, I lose my historical places. I lost the house I lived in when I was 9. On that site, there is 5-story building. Seoul is always renewed like this.
I document places to remember.
Using rubbing technique, I make documentations with the name, <Peeling the City>. I made documentations from signs on the ground, on the street, and the walls from apartment. Relentless construction and deconstruction in Seoul take these away before long.
I document cities with touch.
I don’t photograph to record. I rub to record. I like this way because I touch the object I record. You can record things from distance if you use camera. But if you use rubbing technique, you will make contact with the object. I feel I am taking care of the object when I make rubbing out of it. It is important for me to touch things that will disappear soon.

tittle: FaceBook /페이스북
date: 2019.2/23(sat) -24(sun) 11:00-18:00
24(sun)12:00-14:00 Artist Talk with LeKoppi Coffee/1 drink order
venue: Artist In Residence Yamanashi [AIRY]
2-37-2 Marunouchi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0031
artist: Heewoo Jeong /South Korea (February artist)
artist page: www.jeongheewoo.comhttps://
AIRY page:
ドローイングブックに甲府での滞在中に出会った人の顔を描きました。私はギャラリーの壁に山梨の簡単な地図を作ります。 そして地図上の出会った場所にその顔を置きます。 人に出会うことは旅の重要な部分です。 私が出会った人の顔を描くことで、この出会いはよりわかりやすくなり深くなります。 顔を描くことで、私の旅はもっと楽しく思い出深いものになるのです。
元々Facebook はネット上のつながりですが、わたしのFaceBookはもっと直接的な方法のつながりと言えます。
My drawing book becomes the documentation of people in February 2019 in Kofu.
I drew faces I met in travel to Kofu on my drawing book. I will make a brief map of Yamanashi on the gallery wall. And I will put the faces on the points where I met the people. Meeting people is important part of travel. Drawing person’s face I meet makes this meeting easier and deeper. Drawing faces make my travel more enjoyable and memorable.
As Facebook on internet is for networking, my FaceBook is for networking in Kofu in much more direct way.

2019年、最初の Open AIRY がフルウント 甲府にて行われました。 美味しいランチと一緒に、素敵な時間を過ごしました。 2月AIRY滞在、韓国よりのアーティスト Heewooさんによるワークショップ ”Draw Me Draw You” 同時開催。Heewooさん曰く、「知っていることを描くのではなく、見たものをそのまま描く。」ことがアートの楽しさである、と強くも穏やかなまなざしで語っていたのが印象的でした。 美味しいお食事だけでなく、いつも素敵な空間をご提供くださいます、慎吾さん、ゆうさんご夫婦に感謝です。リニューアルした店内、とても暖かく素敵でした✨ I had a great time at the first open AIRY meeting this year @ Cafe Fluunt Kofu. Heewoo, the new artist from Korea made a quick workshop of experiencing drawing each other instantly. I was, actually we, all the participants agreed at her idea saying that “Don’t draw what you know, draw what you see.” was very convincing. As one participant reminded her of the famous Bruce Lee’s line “Don’t think, just feel!” Heewoo says that one aspect of art is to entertain people and also a means of communication to interact with each other, which I could experience from my heart today.
*Text by Hanako Kishimoto 岸本華子