Veronique Sunatori/Canada

Veronique Sunatori



 assemblage sculpture, installation

residency June 2016







ProfilePicture - コピー


My work is inspired by the moment of awakening evoked by the experience of empathy or a sublime encounter.The set of routines and standards of everyday life in any society can prevent one from seeing past them.Such experiences have the ability to bring about an objective inquiry leading to the process of discovering, learning, and evolving.My art practice addresses this matter or attempts to induce this questioning by presenting artworks which can be interpreted as tools that, without taking an explicit position, offer an alternative perspective.While referring to the quotidian, these apparatuses have elements of mystery and phenomena.Often taking on aspects of interaction or intervention, I try to make my artworks accessible and authentic to bring about moments of self-awareness.




Kiss Kiss, Say Goodbye (2014)


BetweenTheBeginingAndThe End_2014_15







今回の展示は甲府市内で出会ったスペース「Jewels & Things」(ジュエリー・カフェバー・DJ)にて。山梨の地場産業であるジュエリーを扱うこの店のクラフツマンシップと芸術性に共感したという。週末夜には地元のDJたちが、作品から受けたインスピレーションをもとに音でコラボレーションを予定している。


The nature of my origins and personal identity are the main subject of this work. Born from a Québécois mother and Japanese-born father in Canada, I was raised with a conflicting sense of cultural belonging. The artworks presented in this exhibition come from my desire to associate with an existant cultural group and the exploration of my current state as a half Japanese, half french Canadian person. The opportunity to work as a resident at AIRY in Kofu, Yamanashi allowed me to learn more about my Japanese heritage and the historical and socio-cultural aspects of being a Japanese individual.

The sculptures and drawings I have produced during my stay are metaphors and self-portraits I give new meaning to the objects that shape our everyday surroundings by using symbols that are references to Japanese culture (Shoji screens, Uchiwa fan, traditional geisha portraits) incorporating themes of time, appearance and identity (hourglass, mirrors). These conceptual works highlight the similarities and differences of both cultures while painting a portrait of my life and that of others finding themselves in a similar situation.






I Have My Moment

uchiwa, plaster, wood, plastic, quarts, motor, photographs




Take A Look

watercolor, felt, paper, mirrors




wood, paper



Time Stood Still

wood, plastic, sand, stones




etched acrylic sheet, wood, photographs



You, Me

mirrors, paint, mirror sheet, plastic sheet