David Knobel / usa

painting, drawing

June 2014





アメリカ合衆国 モンタナ州

2014年 6月









My current body of work refers to the rapidly expanding geographical space of the digital realm that encroaches on our material existence.

Digital technology and space has effects on almost all our daily happenings from the products we buy to how we get them, not to mention the dramatic expansion of diversity in the products offered in the marketplace. Other effects such as how we create films or create architecture or designs have become all but digitized. Much of the imagery presented in my work is flattened, fractured, broken and separated. Similar to that of information gathering on the internet, one clicks back and forth through multiple frames of reference or existence coming from unknown distance later to be flattened by the nature of the media. The works ebb and flow from illusionary spaces to plastic spaces of flattened abstraction.

With a world based in complex ever-changing visual symbols and rapid image reproduction, our language doesn’t evolve at the same rate our image culture does. One is left with only image construction as way to interpret data into information. I choose painting and drawing as a way to communicate and come to terms with the time and space in which we live.














[Showing the works of]

28th 29th June 2014 @AIRY





