AIRを始めようと決めて名称は山梨のYを付けてAIRY、スタートは知り合いの作家や友達に声をかけて手探りの状態で2005年に始まったーー(10周年記念カタログより)It was decided to want to start the AIR, name with Y of Yamanashi AIRY, initially began fumbling of state invited the acquaintance of artists and friends on 2005–
10周年記念事業 WE breathe AIR
anniversary catalog publish that covered all activities and art residencies
same time 4 new residency artists in 4 sites AIR, March- May
10th Anniversary Project [WE breathe AIR]
For the AIRY 10th anniversary project, there will be four simultaneous AIRs in Yamanashi prefecture. The inspiration for this project includes: rich nature, local cultures, migration, agriculture, festivals, renovation of vacant houses, and management of art. The artists will stay in Kofu to research and prepare their own art works for the first half of their stay. After, they will then stay in four different cities: Hokuto, Minami Alps, Fujiyoshida and Kofu city to create and express themselves through workshops or events for the rest of their residency. In each of these AIR, there will be art managers who will support the artists. The four young artists who have been selected from all over the world will learn the history of the community, enjoy its beautiful nature, meet locals, and create art. They will share their experiences at open studios at the end of May, and after that the works will return to AIRY Kofu.
4 AIRs
北杜市_シュマン・ドゥ・ボヌール http://chemindubonheurhokuto.weebly.com/
(マネージャー:本杉郁雲/Ikumo Motosugi)
南アルプス市_Fumoto http://fumoto.atelier.link/
(同:依田正樹/Masaki Yoda、荒川史子/Fumiko Arakawa)
富士吉田市_ハモニカ横丁 http://sattonton1005.wix.com/akinai
(同:赤松智志/Satoshi Akamatsu、小林 純/Jun Kobayashi)
甲府市_ゲストハウス・バッカス http://bakatokasu.exblog.jp/i0
(同:渡辺俊仁/Toshihito Watanabe)
10th Anniversary AIRY
WE breathe AIR
Johna Hansen(Denmark )x Fumoto(Minami Alps city)
art management by Masaki Yoda, Fumiko Arakawa
*Bucchus/ Yosuke Yoshida, Hiroshi Noda
Dre Britton(USA) x Bacchus Kofu Guest House(Kofu city)
art management by Toshihito Watanabe
Laura Pold(Estonia) x Chemin Du Bonheur(Hokuto city)
art management by Ryu & Ikumo Motosugi
Anna Gonzalez Noguchi (UK) x hamonka yokocho(Fujiyosida city)
art management by Satoshi Akamatsu, Jun Kobayashi