Josephine Vejrich/finland,sweden


born in finland, lives & works sweden

residency October November 2014



フィンランド生まれ スウェーデン・ストックホルム在住






In my work as an artist and illustrator I want to achieve a balance between what’s described in the work and what can be interpreted by it. I appreciate work where the viewer is given a space to interpret and to lose oneself in the story. I also try to understand how the work can make us feel curious in what we experience. I was born in Finland but are today working and living in Stockholm since I graduated from Konstfack College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. I like to use personal stories in my work to approach a subject or feeling. During my studies I had the opportunity to do an exchange semester at Kyoto University of Art and Design in Kyoto. My interest in japanese art history and the application of illustration and design in the culture really took a hold on me during my stay. The poetic and playful approach that I experience in many japanese picture books is a way of working that I really admire.










November 3rd

Josephine Vejrich shows her artworks and hold art workshop

[making a zin for parent & child]



韮崎市ニコリ三階 子育て支援センター

「ジョセフィーヌとつくるジン」 親子で作るジン(絵本つくり)

無料 予約不要















15,16th November

国際フェスタ2014 11月15,16日


「動くカードをつくろう」無料 予約不要


[Making Moving Card workshop]











Josephine Vejrich solo exhibition

22,23 November 2014

Chemin Du Bonheur



Text for [BIG MEETING]

Inspired by the scenery, people’s lives and nightly walks in kofu. My work has taken shape over a two month residence period at AIRY. I feel very fortunate for the privilege to have experienced Kofu and happy over the meetings with welcoming residents. I also feel very strongly that the impressions will continue to inspire me in my future work. Dense forest, inaccessible mountains a force so strong that it becomes it’s own essence. How the relationship with nature has shaped the residents in Yamanashi and how it’s reflected in the daily lives. My work is inspired by the solitude encounter with surroundings in Yamanashi and the thought about sensing Kami.


風景や人々の生活に触発されて甲府の夜のまちを歩く。 作品はAIRYでの二ヶ月間の滞在期間を経て形を整えつつあり、わたしはここでの生活を経験できることや歓迎してくれる人々に出会えたことをとても幸運だと思う。また山梨で感じた印象はこれからの作品制作において強くわたしを鼓舞し続けるだろうと感じています。 鬱蒼とした森やアクセス不能な山はとても力強くて、それ自体が魂を持つ生き物のようです。 自然との関係は山梨の住民をどのように形作ったのか、それはどのように日常生活に反映されているのか。わたしの作品は山梨を取り巻く自然環境との孤独な出会いや神々を感じる思想に触発されたものです。











Josephine Vejrich solo show “BIG MEETING” held at Chemin Du Bonheur

thank you for collaborated and supported of residency artists

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photos by Ikumo MOTOSUGI

Josephine Vejrich solo show “BIG MEETING” held at Chemin Du Bonheur

thank you for collaborated and supported for residency artists

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