Bahia Haddam /canada

painting, sculpture

children workshops: pottery, drawing, reading, writing

residency: October-December 2013












Working mainly from a sculptural approach, I have been recently using paint to propose new forms of supports. Using mainly, what could be read as painting language, I am trying to push the boundaries of where sculpture lies in its forms. I am also very interested in poetry and how we name things. Words and descriptions of one’s work also play an important role in my approach to the art. I have recently been submitting my final year dissertation (titled: Apple, Appendix, Appliances, Art, Axes, Ache or the Dissertation as an Object) and would like to use language as a material further in my practice.

My aim is to be able to meet other artists working in Japan and share a studio space with them, but most importantly to be able to involve other people from the community into a project. At this point I am not sure of the form this project could take as I believe things do need to be flexible and reassess in regards to the actual reality being confronted with. I have been working with builders, adults not from the art circle and children in the past, and I believe these activities being crucial to my art production in the studios.

A possible example would be: to run a weekly class in association with a local school in English (second language to be learn by children) questioning the access to the art, proposing new approaches to materials and forms. Having as aim to produce something collaboratively at the end of each month. One month it could be a book, one other month if could be an small curated exhibition, one other month it could be a photographic project, and more.

I am aware at this point this proposal seems vague, but I am extremely motivate and would really like to consider the contexts and needs of people around living in Kofu.









description @ HORIZONTIS display cental Kofu city

Bahia’s work explores the approach to traditional painting through the use of three dimensional forms here used as tools for the application of paint to flat surfaces. The cardboard objects give shapes as well as supports to the paint medium, enhancing the colors to become arbitrary and consequently a mere figure of taste and imaginary depictions.





小学生対象15名 通訳あり 無料



ready to have children’s work shop


drawing on the cardboard sculpture



making a story after drawing



the story is telling and connecting to the next..


participated 9 children






Christmas Tree workshop








the last stage/最終展示



12月20日(金)ー23日(月祝) 11:00-18:00

「むらさき or Purple」@Gallery AIRY

Emmanuel Montiel _spain

Bahia Haddam_canada

Ayaka Nonaka(collaborator)山梨県立大学国際政治学科3年


[Murasaki or Purple]

Murasaki or purple ideally will convey the feeling of transitional spaces.

Murasaki will hope to focus on difficulties to be understood, feeling lost in translation, trying to understand others and be understood.

Purple will also try re-contextualized practices that seem to have come to a decisive and meaningful point undertaking a residency as the likes.

Emmanuel Montiel (Spain) and Bahia Haddam (Canada) along with Ayaka Nonaka (Japan) collaborating with the two artists in residence for this show, will produce new works and hope Murasaki or purple to be a chance to reflected on their time spent together in Japan and the influence it had on their respective works.

Practices mainly grounded in or around painting, the show will extend the pre-concived ideas and more traditional knowledge some might carry and try to bring into the light languages around drawings, objects in space, colors and surfaces.

We hope Murasaki or purple to become the space to talk about the overdose of beauty experienced in Japan, orange leaves in autum, the meaningful shifts in practices, how so many things are underniably cute and reflect on the freedom we had here and what make us elsewhere.


むらさきor Purple

日程:2013年12月20(金)~23日(月祝) 11:00-18:00 休みなし 無料 通訳あり

場所:山梨県甲府市丸の内2-37-2 ギャラリーエアリー

展示作家:  エマニュエル・モティエル(スペイン/ペインター)11-12月滞在


野中文香(山梨県立大学国際政治学科3年)コラボレーター 甲府市在住








black lines

purple stain

yellow curve

grey triangular edges

white pegs on darker blue







cardboard sculpture-Bahia Haddam

drawing, painting-Emmanuel Montiel

hanging clothing-Ayaka Nonaka




まちなかインタビュー BIHIA HADDAM(バイア・アダム)








(文責:雨宮千春 cocochi)