Emmanuel Montiel /spain

Painting, drawing, textile design


residency: November-December 2013








In spite of the implicit simplicity of the visual representation on my

paintings, and their proximity to the illustration and textile design, my

work intended at the beginning to represent the feminine beauty, trough the

complexity of the landscape ,human shapes and industrial smokes.

the portrait and the human figuration have form an important part of my

trajectory, however currently I pretend dissociate from he purest

figuration, and the concept and idea of repetition and patterns become

stronger as far as painting is referred.







painted by Emmanuel Montiel

Charity Christmas poster for Yamanashi International association





the last stage/最終展示



12月20日(金)ー23日(月祝) 11:00-18:00

「むらさき or Purple」@Gallery AIRY

Emmanuel Montiel _spain

Bahia Haddam_canada

Ayaka Nonaka(collaborator)山梨県立大学国際政治学科3年


[Murasaki or Purple]

Murasaki or purple ideally will convey the feeling of transitional spaces.

Murasaki will hope to focus on difficulties to be understood, feeling lost in translation, trying to understand others and be understood.

Purple will also try re-contextualized practices that seem to have come to a decisive and meaningful point undertaking a residency as the likes.

Emmanuel Montiel (Spain) and Bahia Haddam (Canada) along with Ayaka Nonaka (Japan) collaborating with the two artists in residence for this show, will produce new works and hope Murasaki or purple to be a chance to reflected on their time spent together in Japan and the influence it had on their respective works.

Practices mainly grounded in or around painting, the show will extend the pre-concived ideas and more traditional knowledge some might carry and try to bring into the light languages around drawings, objects in space, colors and surfaces.

We hope Murasaki or purple to become the space to talk about the overdose of beauty experienced in Japan, orange leaves in autum, the meaningful shifts in practices, how so many things are underniably cute and reflect on the freedom we had here and what make us elsewhere.


むらさきor Purple

日程:2013年12月20(金)~23日(月祝) 11:00-18:00 休みなし 無料 通訳あり

場所:山梨県甲府市丸の内2-37-2 ギャラリーエアリー

展示作家:  エマニュエル・モティエル(スペイン/ペインター)11-12月滞在


野中文香(山梨県立大学国際政治学科3年)コラボレーター 甲府市在住















drawing, painting-Emmanuel Montiel

cardboard sculpture-Bahia Haddam

hanging clothing-Ayaka Nonaka


メッセージ:野中文香  コラボレーター(山梨県立大学国際政策学科3年)

もともとアートで地域資源を発掘することについて調べようと思っていた私にコラボレーターとしてこの企画に参加しないかと招待された時は、戸惑った。だって私はアーティストではない! 3人のエネルギッシュなアーティストの波にのまれて取り組んだ今回はまさに挑戦である。そしてまたと無いチャンスでもある。

そして、わたしにとっての[むらさき]とは何かを甲府で見つけた。 その経験を経てから見る彼らの作品は私の調査においても深く理解できるだろう。 そんな機会を与えてくれたバイア、マヌ、泉さんに感謝したい。