Ana Fanelli/argentine

Ana Laura Sofia Fanelli


photograph, video

June 2015








I would say that I am both a photographer and a video artist. On the one hand, I am a fashion photographer. This makes me follow macro and micro trends while following the specific and precise requirements from my clients. This is a preset way of photographing.

On the other hand, as a video and visual artist I follow the exact opposite pattern. I crossover all aesthetic lines without a preconception on what the final product should be.

This makes my work a syncretism of the different aesthetics I have adhered to in the past plus what the environment offers me in terms of images.The environment in which I work has a critical impact on my work.

I have had the chance to visit different countries and regions. And what is more important, I have been exposed to different cultures, with all their different landscapes and meanings.

However, they all have something in common; their uniqueness changes my work in all different ways.A photographic image is a privileged means to encapsulate and convey what a different place makes me feel. An image might express a gesture, a detail, a color which any other artistic form fails in transmitting.

My current artistic work is based on photographing people, places and details of everyday life. My aim is to establish a dialogue between what I photograph and my perception of it. Being exposed to a different culture gives me the chance to offer a view that is not contaminated by the everydayness and cultural rules that inhabitants are not aware of.







Two movements in two spaces, what I make, what they thereby make, what it is made.

These different characters are solved and unbalanced in their own interior space.

This space is compressing and relaxing.









Movement I

I open the door,  I go ahead I am in; I am defining myself.

The thoughts that are linked by words; the choice to follow; and lack of sleep.

I look for my self, I guess, I reflect.

I am ashamed and stop recognizing myself in that image to become another I cannot see clearly.

I am what others see in me, what i believe I am and I reflect.














Ana Fanelli open studio @AIRY


アナ・ファネリ/Ana Fanelli

2015年6月27日(土)11:00-18:00 オープンスタジオ

6月28日(日)18:00-21:00 トーク&クッキングパーティー (参加費実費)



EmptyMy work is organized into different projects; but all wants to reflect those situations in which we face the feeling of lacking and the beauty of emptiness.


Facing the lacking: in front of the white sheet, in front of empty spaces or in the wide open where there is nothing or no one. Everything is present time. The feeling of being in a static time, frozen. In front of the feelings that objects convey, people or activities that disappear with the passing of time: places that are not used anymore, empty or forgotten lots replaced by others. In those places we recognize their past function, where their life passed by a life that is no longer possible. Spaces that keep old signs of a past in which they had a motive to live. A time that we project from the present to the past and in which we can feel a future a new beginning.

Lights for no one

I use light as a witness in the process of replacement. A light that illuminates in a present time but that also reveals the feeling of uselessness, of progressive disappearance of the function of space and objects.

Mutant Spaces

A painting of post cards with stamps and empty address in which any person could get one for writing and send to anyone. And a second not painting postcards with stamp and the address of such postcards will be my studio’s address in Buenos Aires. Finally the reception and placing of postcards in their exhibition in Buenos Aires. The lack of some of the postcards will symbolize the passing of time and will make the reading to mentally replace those lost spaces in the same way in which we replace with our memory the objects, persons and functions of the disuse spaces.


Empty: オープンスタジオは3つのプロジェクトで編成されています。何かが欠けている感覚と、空虚の美しさに直面している状況を反映したいと考えています。









Kofu feels like home

When I have to think how I feel in Kofu, I think in home, and it is very strange; because home is exactly 18.370 kilometers and I do not speak Japanese. But still I feel home, the city is very comfortable to walk to go by bike, the mountains make me happy and more when I see the Fuji. The colors that have the building in Yamanashi are so beautiful, I find beauty in every little detail. But what makes me feel home is the people, the supermarket cashier that help me to finds the correct coins, the old ladies that says hello in the street the funny kids in the swimming pool and the beautiful people that give me the chance to take a picture. I would like to say Thanks you Yamanashi people to make this a lovely month in my life.






















