Kjersti Sletteland /Norway

Kjersti Sletteland

born in Norway lives & works in Edinburgh


sculpture, installation, printmaking

July 2015 residency








The rooms around us frame our bodies and divide our lives in sections. Wallpaper, brick, plasterboard, covings, sockets and mouldings are the backdrop to our lives, constantly present, almost always peripheral and outside of our focus. As a second skin, rooms exist around us; envelop us and keep us away from the chaos of outside life. We know the rooms as intimately as we know our own shoulder; like an extension to ourselves we manoeuvre around them without thinking.

Rooms have a great influence on my work as they play a fundamental role in being a physical being. We measure spatiality as we enter a room and it has a strong effect on our mental state. Yet, rather than creating space I create objects in space, which in turn become part of the architecture and interior.

We experience the world with our bodies, our sense organs and our skin. This link between the outside and inside is something I explore. Wires and pipes protrude through surfaces, tiles create a skin on the wall, bark of a tree gets elevated. My works are sometimes found or altered objects, and sometimes constructed ones, using a range of materials such as Jesmonite, ceramics, porcelain, wood and fiberglass.













Adeleine Daysor & Kjersti Sleteland






「Brevity and Gravity」 openstudio with Adeleine Daysor

Two artists, Adeleine Daysor (Singapore) and Kjersti Sletteland (Norway/UK) unite in Brevity and Gravity to showcase artwork produced during their time at AIRY (Artist in Residency Yamanashi), Kofu City, Japan. The exhibition reflects contrasting creative processes and methods while highlighting complimentary visual forms and atmospheres.

Adeleine who works mainly with paints, objects, and their installations, delivers a site-responsive, succinct arrangement of paintings and prints that evokes a sense of idiosyncrasy, lightness and impermanence. Adeleine’s art practice is invested in the Everyday, adopting and mirroring diverse structures and quirks to which the selves, cultures, and histories operate and also transcend.

Kjersti is a sculptor who primarily works with traditional building materials interchanged with craft materials. Kjersti’s approach to her project in residency was labour-intensive and absorbed in the substance of concrete, producing a human size body-wall. Kjersti is interested in how humans react to our surroundings and her concerns are space and architecture, with their sculptural and textural impact. In this piece she deals with the relationship between body, sculpture, architecture and our surroundings.

While the characteristics in Adeleine’s and Kjersti’s creative approaches are distinct, both sets of work embody and embraced the inevitable force of place and time: Kofu City. In the make over two months, Adeleine’s oil paintings of found sculptures from the city are contemplative, simple and paired down. Kjersti’s massive body-shell, in contrast, grew quickly over a week and found a place in an urban park. The month-long project lives out its life installed in the gallery as an evolved form together with photographs.

Both artists present artwork inspired and influenced by Kofu’s overwhelming man-made and natural landscape, yet, one cannot also help but ponder on the hints of deep-seated humour that exists in the work.


「軽やかに重やかに」 アデレインとの合同展示

シンガポール出身のアデレイン・デイソルとノルウェイ出身、イギリス在住のシャースティ・スレトゥランド、日本は山梨県甲府市のAIRY滞在中に合同展示「Brevity + Gravity軽やかに重やかに」を開く。展示会では制作の過程と、目に見える物の形やその空気感にスポットを当てる彼女達の姿が見えてくるだろう。

















additional statement to 「Brevity and Gravity」

The Wanderer (2015)

Kjersti Sletteland


シャースティ スレトゥランド

For some years my works have dealt with the subject’s relationship with and reactions to its surroundings. The rooms surrounding us have big impact on the way we feel and behave and as a visual artist and sculptor this is of constant interest to me. Rooms, whether they are rooms of a building or the outdoors, influence the way we feel about others and ourselves.


The piece I have made for Kofu is a full body size concrete sculpture, for me to go inside and put my hands and face through its openings. The three extremities of the body that we use the most for sensing our surroundings stick straight out into the world, whilst the rest of the body is hidden within the form. Rather than the traditional way of looking at a sculpture, the participant becomes part of it and looks out from it. I was interested in letting the person become a sculpture. The shape of the sculpture is a functional one so only determined by what the body looks like with the arms held out. It is still hard to escape the fact that it has something cute and humorous about it, seen from the front


An inspiration has been the fantastic scenery of Kofu, both the highly immersive forests and the atmospheric narrow streets, with lots of different houses, gardens, small shops, plants, electricity posts and wildlife surrounding it. Both the natural and the urban scenery have a tremendous effect on me. My wish for this piece was to create an architectural container for the body and place it amongst all this, to take in the view differently, fixed behind sculptural walls. The photo shows the piece in a park in central Kofu, which I feel has both the serenity of nature and the buzz of this urban city. The sculpture was not built to last forever so the broken remains can be seen outside downstairs.



The title is borrowed from German artist Caspar David Friedrich’s painting The Wanderer Above the Sea and Fog, a classical European romantic painting where a man seen from behind is glancing over a vast and dramatic scenery. A classical scene of the small human in a large, powerful world. Since the shape also reminds me of a zombie with its arms held out I thought it a suiting title.

このタイトルはドイツの作家Caspar David Friedrichの古典ヨーロッパのロマン派の絵、男が広大でドラマチックな風景を見つめている“The Wanderer Above the Sea and Fogから拝借した。広く力強い世界に生きる人間の様子が描かれている。そして、腕を突き出した姿がゾンビを連想させ、これもタイトルにぴったりではないかと思っている。


Wanderer above the Sea of Fog/「雲海の上の旅人」

カスパー・ダーヴィト・フリードリヒ/ 1818
