Melissa Lui Yuen/Australia

Melissa Lui Yuen



residency March 2017
















Melissa Lui Yuen x Sogaku Yamada/山田蒼岳

「星とたんぽぽ_Stars Unseen In Daylight」

25th 26th March @AIRY



Sogaku Yamada / 山田蒼岳 / 山梨 書














1: What made you draw nature in your own style?

I think nature is one of the simplest pleasures in life. It’s a gift that helps us to cultivate gratitude, compassion and appreciation – appreciation for this world and our part in it. I think that meditating on nature reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things, that we are connected to nature, and to eachother.

My illustration style has been shaped by the things that I like – for example I love Kusama Yayoi’s playful dots, and Matisse’s philosophy around colour, as well as the way pointillist painters like Georges Seurat explored colour through tiny dots. All of these ideas have influenced the way that I illustrate. I love illustrating intense detail to invite the view to look a bit closer. It is therapeutic and calming for me to draw this way, and I hope the viewer feels the same when looking at the work.


2: Your major was law, why and when did you decide to start drawing?

I started drawing again after a period of soul searching during my mid-20s. I had been working full time in the Australian Government for a few years and though I had a good job, I found myself asking whether there was something more. I was not happy for a long time, and started drawing again simply because it was something that I used to love doing as a child. My artwork has evolved and developed since then, and I have now been illustrating and exhibiting for the past three years.

I used to think I wanted to be successful. However, even with a successful job I was not happy. What I learnt through making my art is that it is important to first do the things that you love and are passionate about – and when you do that, then you are already living a successful life. Art is a creative break from my full time job, but it has also helped make me more attune to the world around me and to practice gratitude everyday. To be awake to everything around you and the beauty that exists – that is success.


3: Do you have any messages on your artworks?

In the past, I have incorporated hand-lettering in my artwork about doing things that you love, or thinking about others. While I do not have any specific messages in this exhibition, the themes are still the same – a celebration of the natural world and an underlying sense of gratitude for being a part of it.

My artwork explores what it is like to have that sense of childlike wonder about the world, and the innocent delight and joy that children feel about the simplest of things – things like playing with a dandelion, colourful flowers, shapes of the clouds. As adults we can lose sight of that wonder and playfulness, and be lost in routine and work. My artwork invites the viewer to celebrate small moments in nature again. This particular collection of work celebrates the gentle transition from winter to spring in Japan, and the sense of excitement in the air about what is to come.


4: After coming to Kofu, did you get inspired by anything?

I waited until I arrived in Japan to decide on what to explore in my exhibition at AIR-Y. This means, ultimately, my whole experience in Kofu and travelling around Japan has influenced the work.

I was here during the transition from winter to spring, and the sense of anticipation is really palpable. There is a sense of joy and excitement about the coming of spring and I found that particularly noticeable in Japan compared to other places I have been. I think it is because of the very stark contrast between the cold February winter weather and the gradual transition to the pinks and sunshine of March spring. That is certainly something I hoped to capture in the exhibition.

I also discovered Kaneko Misuzu’s poetry while I was here in Japan. Her work really resonated with me because of its message about compassion for nature, and her innocent, childlike perspective on the world. The title for this exhibition is inspired by her poem about beauty in the unseen.

More broadly, my time in Japan and seeing different Japanese artworks and design has taught me the power of restraint and minimalism. When I tried shodou I found that a few intentional and careful strokes of ink can create a beautiful and striking artwork. Art does not have to take over a complete page in order to be impactful. That was an important lesson for me and something that I will remember in the future as well.


Question 1:この技法で、自然を描こうと思った訳は?


私のイラストの作品は、自分の好きなものに影響を受け形成されてきた。例えば、草間彌生の遊び心ある水玉模様、マティスの色に見受けられる哲学、そしてGeorges Seurat(ジョルジュ・スーラー)が見い出した細かい点描画。



Question 2: 専攻は法学であるが、何故、そしていつから描こうと思ったのか?




Question 3: 作品に何かメッセージがありますか?




Question 4:来日後、何かに影響を受けましたか?




(translation by Nagisa Mitsumori)