レザルティスミーティング2019京都とは http://www.kac.or.jp/events/24316/

マイクロレジデンス・ワークショップ 2/7

Waria Artbreak AIR
世界各地でユニークな活動を繰り広げるエアーの存在が興味深い。例えばフィンランド北部でラップランドの入口に位置するWaria Artbreak AIR
太平洋ポリネシアのクック諸島からTe Arerenga
おも茶会 2/7

マイクロレジデンス・ミーティング 2/9 興聖寺



「作品展示してあるギャラリーに泊まる?」または「ホステル内がギャラリーになっている?」作品を見たい一般のお客さんはいつ来るのだろう・・? 実際泊まってわかったのは後者色が強いこと
Participating in “ResArtis Meeting 2019 Kyoto”
The bus which left Kofu station late at night in February arrived at Kyoto station the next morning. It seems to have been raining a little. We were greeted with moist early morning air and stayed in Kyoto. At the previous Japan Meeting (2012 Tokyo) I attended as a participant. This time I was scheduled to do a short presentation at the Microresidence section. The Kyoto Art Center at the venue is a facility that was created in 2000 after renovating the former Merin Elementary School. It was my second visit.
Microresidence Workshop 2/7
9 facilities participated from 5 countries / regions
AIR uniquely engages in activities around the world. For example, Waria Artbreak AIR located at the entrance of Lapland in northern Finland and Te Arerenga from the Cook Islands in Pacific Polynesia are daring to set up artist spaces in remote, natural locations. We can offer a unique environment for the artists. By inviting artists from urban areas to more rural, natural areas we can help broaden the perspectives of both invited artists and locals. For this reason we would like to create more Microresidences in rural areas. Yamanashi prefecture would be an ideal place for a Microresidence because it is an agricultural region and is surrounded by wild natural landscapes. We have many vacant houses throughout the region which, with the help of art managers, could be transformed into artist residences.
“Tea ceremony Omocha” 2/7
“Tea ceremony Omocha” with a meaning of welcome
It was time to feel the rich power of Kyoto culture. As it was my first time attending this kind of tea ceremony, I was in for a pleasant surprise. First of all, I was exposed to contemporary art with all my senses in the waiting room (auditorium). After that, we were invited into the tea room (Japanese style room) to have tea. We were delighted with the enthusiastic welcome of the artists/staff of the art center, multi-genre artists, and tea ceremony volunteers. They seemed to enjoyed themselves too.
Microresidence Meeting 2/9 Koseiji Temple
I did a 10 minute presentation about AIRY. It was my second time presenting so I was quite used to speaking about the topic. Participants were mostly young and I had a good response from them. Afterwards, during the consultation meeting, participants said: “I want to stay! We want to operate!” There was a feeling of excitement at the consultation. About half the participants were artists and the other half were art managers, both groups have a high interest in AIR.
This Kyoto nonprofit organization hosted a two-day session locally
Their work does not stop with traditional gallery duties. The gallery is also working on the preservation and refurbishment of the Kyomachiya, and operate initiatives that engage art with contemporary social issues in Kyoto. They manage several spaces related to these initiatives and to their gallery work. NPO ANEWAL gallery also collaborates with local temples, the ward office, and so on. Keep our eyes on this organization, which consists of multiple industry members.
Accommodation “Youth gallery”
Hayashi, an artist from Pararail group, restructured Kyomachiya himself and runs it as the Youth Gallery. Youth Gallery is a hostel which is also a gallery. Hayashi invites artists to create work for a solo multi-month show in the hostel. “We stay in a gallery where works are exhibited?” or “We stay in hostel with a display?” The exhibition is exclusively for the guests of the hostel. I think that the general public can view the works at opening receptions for the shows or by appointment. I wanted to meet the owner and listen to details but unfortunately he wasn’t available while I was there. Accommodation was comfortable and I had a pleasant time. The works on display during my visit were all by one artist, so there was sense of unity throughout the hostel. I was able to rest both mind and body.
I live in Yamanashi and I don’t see very much art or many artists around town. I was impressed by the excellent art performances in Kyoto and it was also nice to have connected with people working in their local art community. A Microresidence program in Yamanashi would help develop our local art community by creating more art spaces and creating a stronger arts network in the region. Visiting Microresidence throughout the world is fun. I did several of them in Thailand and domestic Japan recently and they were very enriching experiences.
Translation: Sage Szkabarnicki-Stuart
京都芸術センター http://www.kac.or.jp/eng/mission/
• ジャンルを問わない若い世代の芸術家の制作活動の支援
• さまざまなメディアを用いた、芸術文化に関する情報の収集と発信
• 芸術家と市民あるいは芸術家相互の交流の促進
Art Center was established in April 2000 in a hope to promote arts in Kyoto in
a comprehensive way by collaboration between the city of Kyoto, artists and
other people related to art.
The center aims at supporting various artistic activities, providing
information about arts, and promoting communication between the citizens and
artists through arts.
Kyoto Art Center focuses on the following three points.
• To support young artists in their activities regardless of genre.
• To collect and disseminate information on arts and culture using various media.
• To promote communication between artists and citizens; and among artists.
Our activities include exhibitions, tea ceremonies, traditional stage performances, concerts, dance performances, and various kinds of workshops for training artists and other people related to art, hosting innovative projects for the conservation of traditional arts and creating new ones. We also provide artists from home and abroad studio spaces and “artist in residence program”. Through such services and activities, the center is hoping to become the focal point of the city culture in the new era.