Clara Campos/Brazil

Clara Campos


Performance, Video, Voice Actor, Collage, Installation

Residency Febryary-March 2020






My whole life I thought that the lack capacity of making decisions I bare was a weak point, but recently I found out this out to be my strength; from this point on I decided to go deep into my multi focused personality and mix different things that share my interest into one.

I am a product of the globalized western society, an adult with no real goal in a universe full of options and a woman in a men’s world. Some of those themes are always running through my work, be it is as an actress/interpreter or as anything.

Recently I have been studying Jungian archetypes and creating a parallel line between the Witch and the Japanese genre Mahō shōjo.

Every work from this series (be it a video, a collage, a performance etc) stars a Mahō shōjo immersed in everyday actions putting in check the pre-given notions of femininity exploring its pluralities in search of every woman’s individual essence.

これまで私は自分の意思決定能力が不足していることが弱点だと思っていましたが、最近になりこれが私の強みであることがわかりました。 この時点から私は、多焦点の人格に深く入り込み、自分の興味を共有するさまざまなものをミックスして一つにすることに決めました。

私はグローバル化した西洋社会の産物であり、選択肢に満ちた宇宙では本当の目標を持たない大人であり、男性から見れば女性です。 これらのテーマのいくつかは、女優/通訳としてであれ何であれ、常に私の作品を駆け抜けています。




Workshop 「魔法少女ME」

Clara Campos /Brasil









Date: 29 February 13:00-15:00

Venue: AIRY Studio

Target: Any ages and genres

Admission : 1 drink fee

What to bring: Participant printed photo

Workshop Leader: Clara Campos /Brasil

Performance, Video, Voice Actor, Collage, Installation

Loves Comics and Animations of Japan. Every works from this series stars a Mahō shōjo immersed in everyday actions putting in check the pre-given notions of femininity exploring its pluralities in search of every woman’s individual essence.

When we watch mahou shoujo anime, little girls are capable of solving problems by themselves via Magic. 
A transformation can empower this little girls so they can do anything.
In this workshop we will discuss gender roles, anime, and how we perceive ourselves as humans whose transformation is not over.
Let’s create mahou women, mahou men, and mahou shonen while exploring the strength of femininity. (All ages and genres are welcome)  


directed by Clara Campos /Brazil