Peter Booth
born in Australia lives in Norway
sculpture, writing
residency 2015. October – December
I am Australian artist who has lived and worked in Oslo since 2007. I have an formal art education from Statens Kunstakademiet and Queensland College of Art, as well as an earlier education in economics. The handmade quality of art is therefore part of what I do and why I make art.
As an overall theme, my work explores how and why art exists:
Around 2009/10, I made a series of works that tried to understand the role of implied risk in art and our attraction to it. Exhibitions included Stenersen Museum and at Galleri Maria Veie.
In 2011, I made several works that looked at art as relic or souvenir. Exhibitions included at Ryan Renshaw Gallery and at Galleri Maria Veie.
In 2012, I worked with light combined with sequential still imagery to replicated the effect of moving images and repetition as a way explore art as escapism or as form of meditation. Exhibitions included at Galleri Maria Veie.
Since 2013, I have been researching and working with themes surrounding art and its philosophical connections to money and finance. Text presented at , University of Montreal.
More recently, I have worked with the idea of art as entertainment, something that was a major theme running through the project I co-curated with Kristine Dragland.
Going forward, I plan to publish a number of text-based works, to continue working both collaboratively in addition to individual studio work. In my opinion, making sense of the social role of art is as relevant as ever.