Latisha Horstink/Netherlands

Latisha Horstink


installation, visual art

residency April-June 2018







Born and raised in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, my dad is Dutch, my mother Indonesian. Currently studying Interactive Media Design at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, Netherlands. I’m in Japan, as an artist and intern to explore self and surroundings.

I often use my multi-cultural influences in my work. Considering myself to be a juxtaposition of nonconforming conservative, I muse over identity, heritage and religion. In recent works, I play with notions of perspective, challenging norms with the goal to see without stigma, and help to broaden viewers frame of reference.


現在は、オランダ・ハーグにある国立美術学校(Royal Academy of Arts)にて、双方向メディアデザインを学ぶ。作家は、アーティストそしてインターンとして、自分自身と取り巻く周りの環境を探求するために日本に滞在している。




A Reminder of My Innocence

My first hours alone in Japan I chose to distract myself by looking for a book to read, to dive into a story that wasn’t my own. After a pace up and down the aisles I realize there are no English books. Of course, what did I expect? I’m in Japan. I leave the shop feeling even more alienated. But that’s my privilege, I expect there to be something for me to understand, which isn’t always given. Which is how I feel in love with Japan. It reminded me of my Innocence.

Reminded me that not I don’t understand everything, that sometimes things are out of my control, that things don’t always conform to my comfort.

So, I tribute my painting to those who have taught me, given me experiences and changed my point of view during my stay in Japan.





この作品は私が日本にいる間そのことを教え、経験を与え、そして自分の価値観を変えるきっかけとなった皆様にささげたいと思います。translation: Hanako Kishimoto


A Reminder of My Innocence /イノセンス

Stories  Memories  Experiences, Don’t come from answers

Seek..Forget what you knew

studio corner view of Latisha

preparing for the last stage show in Fluunt Kofu

hanging a big acrylic work on the wall with Emmanual

Latisha presentation starts soon.. A Map For You[AMFY] releasing  also

the MC will be left to the intern Seoul

Nagisa the leader of [AMFY] releasing, she is a former JICA member in Kyrgyzstan plays Combs

Hanako one of the member AMFY introduces Latisha 


Malaysian students of Yamanashi University joined the releasing AMFY

thank you for singing folk songs.

Latisha the artist of Musulim gave us the oppotunity to think about diversity of food
then it led to release A Map For You [AMFY]

A Map For You [AMFY]こちらにも記事がございますので参照ください。