Emma Anna
Australia, Colombia
public art / http://ana-gram.wixsite.com/insitu
studio practice / http://ana-gram.wixsite.com/emmaanna
writer, art producer
residency 2018 June
オーストラリア出身 コロンビア在住
My diverse professional and personal background has previously engaged me as a practitioner in communications/journalism, graphic design and architecture. For the past decade I have worked as an independent artist specialising in creating works for the public realm. I am a graduate of RMIT University’s Masters’ of Art (Art in Public Space) program and an ongoing contributor to the development of its academic program. My public artwork has been exhibited internationally, and won multiple awards in my native Australia. Most recently, I was the announced the winner of the 2017 Melbourne Prize for Urban Sculpture Public Art Design Concept Award.
I am currently living and working between Australia and Colombia, where I am
exploring research related to fractures / modulation and wounds. I have long held a fascination for Japanese aesthetics and political history. I am curious to explore the themes and forms recurrent in my current public practice in Japan via a series of ephemeral interventions, documentation and process work in June 2017.
As a public artist it is an important aspect of my practice to engage with local communities. I would therefore wish to present my research and work to the community via an informal artist presentation and an open studio event.
パブリックアーティストとして、ローカルの人々を引き込むことはアートの実践において重要であるため、オープンスタジオなどの場でローカルコミュニティーに対して自らの作品や研究について話したいと思っている。Translation: Mina Ino
street 金継ぎ@colombia
[On The Corner]
On the corner of the street where I’ve been staying in Kofu, there’s this fantastically textured noticeboard. Nothing’s been posted on it while I’ve been here.
Community noticeboards can be wonderful insights into people and place. Being here for a month, with just my two words of Japanese, it’s going to be hard to get too deep into what makes my temporary neighbours tick. I figured I might try and use this board to communicate with them in images and snippets, to see what happens, and if anyone responds. Let’s see if what I’ll add there over the next few weeks survives, or is added to by others.
コミュニティ掲示板は、人々と場所に関するすばらしい洞察になります。 1ヶ月間甲府に住んで、日本語の2つの言葉だけで、一時的な隣人たちに深く入り込むことは難しいでしょう。私は、この掲示板を使って画像や小片でコミュニケーションを取ったり、何が起こっているかを見たり、誰かが応答したりするのを試みたいと思います。私が次の数週間にわたってそこに追加するものが、何週間も生き残るのか、他の人が何か加えているのか注目しましょう。
punk 活け花
5 Plastic Gyres
street 金継ぎ
coffee drawing
Future Regacy
Community Boad