Anna Muchin
Music, Visual Arts, Performance
residency November-December 2018
I see art making as a way to mirror and question how we move ourselves through existence, as an attempt to crush preconceived answers on how to live and how to love, and hopefully, make people wander-wonder through poetic journeys.
Half-French and half-Greek multi artist Anna Muchin lives in Brussels and performs mostly as SCARLETT O’HANNA. She has released records ‘Cheap Bling Bling’ (2011), ‘Impostor’ (2012) and ‘Romance Floats’ (2016) under this name in Europe and Japan, New ‘Gone for Pearls’ (2017).
フランスとギリシャの血をひくマルチアーティスト、アナ・ミューチンは、ブリュッセル在住。主に「スカーレット・オハナ」の名で活動している。スカーレット・オハナとして、2011年にアルバム「Cheap Bling Bling(安っぽいアクセサリー)」、2012年「Impos
New ‘Gone for Pearls :
Performance Descriptions:exhibition + collective sound meditation
Water is a theme around which I’ve often reflected and worked. I came up with the title What The Water Tells having in mind the idea of flows, movement, time, and our own personal stories. To me it’s also a place, somewhere I often return to and take heart from. Through photography I’d like to share different textures and moves of the sea that inspired me, as well as make room for the present moment through sound with ‘Somewhere to Go’: a n invitation to collective meditation.
What tells the water is Now.
Engage people in a collective sound meditation. With eye masks on and original soundtrack.
「水」は私が頻繁に反応して用いるテーマです。 流れ、動き、時間、私たち自身の個人的な話を念頭に置いて「What The Water Tells」というタイトルを思いつきました。 そこは私を心から受け止めてくれる場所です。 写真を通して、自分が刺激を受けたさまざまな素材や海の動きを分かち合い、今現在この時のために「ここではないどこか」を表現する音で会場を満たしたいと思います。
Participatory performance 11/23,24