Carla Cañellas/Spain

Carla Cañellas


drawing, painting, installation, video

Residency October-December 2019






I work with the construction of identity in different social contexts. My artistic practice questions society through the tools of criticism, education and transformation. I’m interested in creating identity portraits through dialogues with the viewer in order to trace the construction of personal narratives.

I develop my work through the disciplines of drawing, painting and video. Also I develop my work through collective collaboration and educational workshops. Since 2006 I’m a member of Fotoeduterapia: Photography as an educational tool in this sense, generates content, strategies and ways of examining contemporary practices to be applied within art therapy, psychotherapy as well as social intervention. Last year I published my first book: ‘Arrested’, a project about the influence of the economic crisis and unemployment in Spanish society. I have shown my work in selected individual and collective exhibitions within Europe and Japan. I’m represented by Silvana Retamal, the director of “A ciegas Gallery”  in Spain,



ワークショップ: 2006年以来、私はFotoeduterapia(フォト のメンバーです。この意味での教育ツールとしての写真は、芸術療法、心理療法、および社会活動に適用される現代の習慣を問い掛ける内容、戦略、方法を生み出します。


スペインの「A ciegas Gallery」(ディレクターSilvana Retamal代表)

Translation: Olly Thwaite, Yuko Kanda


Residency artist Carla Cañellas_Spain in October-December 2019

Interview and edit by Olly Thwaite


Workshop 「Super Hero」




企画:井上拓己 通訳:三森なぎさ


②どんなヒーロー?箇条書きにしてみよう !目を閉じて想像してみる






It will cancel because of the physical condition of instructor. We are sorry.


workshop 「味覚絵画」お知らせ

共感覚というものを知っていますか?共感覚は一つの感覚からほかの感覚も共に引き出されること。例えば音を聞いて色が見えたりすることです。何かを食べたとき私たちはいろんなことを感じます、においや触感、もちろん味覚も。それらの感覚を色や形などの視覚情報にすると今までとは違ったものの感じ方ができます。今回のワークショップでは味わったものを絵で表現します!講師はスペインからの滞在アーティスト カルラさんです。スペイン料理と新しいアートを楽しみましょう!

The new workshop from AIRY! This workshop explore the connection between taste and visual images! Carla Canellas, the artist from Spain will teach how you can develop your art work from tasting food. Let’s enjoy Spanish food and painting!!
This workshop requires booking.


venue:AIRY studio

instructor : Carla Canellas /Spain
planner:大方岳 Gaku Okata



Free for preschoolers and elementary school students
reservation:12th deadline




Exhibition :December 21 (sat), 22(sun) 11:00-18:00

Opening : 21(sat) 15:00-17:00


The final exhibition of 2019 at AIRY ‘FOLLOWERS’ presents two solo projects by international resident artists, Carla Cañellas (Spain) and Frankie Chow (Australia).

AIRY 2019年の最後の展覧会「フォロワーズ」では、滞在作家であるCarla Cañellas(スペイン)とFrankie Chow(オーストラリア)による2つのソロプロジェクトを紹介します。

Paper House

These three months I have been researching on sacred mirrors. One of them, Yata no Kagami, is considered one of the three imperial treasures and the legend says it is in the sanctuary of Ise. Following this trail through readings and trips around the country I have started a work in which I try to join these ancestral pieces with the “current mirrors”, the “Black mirror”, that is to say the smartphones.

In the exhibition I show part of my research process, together with an installation piece that I have called “Paper House”, a room completely covered by ink-drawn papers that are a kind of living diary of my experience in Japan.

この3か月間、私は神聖な鏡について研究してきました。 そのうちの1つである八咫(やたの)鏡は皇室の三つの宝物(三種の神器)の一つと考えられており、伝説によると伊勢の聖域にあると言われています。 書物研究や伊勢への旅を経て、この先祖代々の作品を「現在の鏡」と「ブラックミラー」、つまり現代のスマートフォンと結び付けようとする研究を始めました。



Carla Canellas is creative and thoughtful artist. Since she came to Yamanashi, she has been always working on some project. Every time I see her, she was always making art or studying Japanese culture. Everyone can see how much she likes Japanese culture and tries to explore it as much as possible. Her works are mainly full of message, context and thought. Sometimes they are about politics and social injustice. However, her art also has aesthetical beauty to it. Her point of view to the world is unique and original. That is why she can make art with deep thought and social context. As an art student who studies contemporary art, I’ve always wanted to see how artists work with their context and theme. In that sense, I am so lucky that I could see how Carla works on her art. In the exhibition, she exhibited the work called “Paper house”. It was the house made with her drawings based on what she experienced in Japan. Beautiful structure gave audience impression and memory she experienced in Japan. It becomes screen for projection in the dark. Seeing the work combine video and drawing was interesting and fresh. (Gaku Okata )

スペインからの滞在作家カルラ・カニェラスさんの作品は主にメッセージ性や文脈に富んだものが多い。社会的、政治的なテーマを扱うことが多い反面、彼女の作品には純粋な美しさもある。芸術を学ぶ学生として作家がどのようにテーマや社会的な文脈を作品に反映させるのかとても興味があった。そのためカルラさんの制作過程を近くで見られたことは非常に幸運だった。成果発表の展示会では“紙の家“という絵の描かれた紙で作られた構造物を展示した。紙と墨とプロジェクションによる映像の組み合わせが簡潔かつ新鮮な美しさを醸し出していた。(大方 岳 インターン)